UX / UI Designer focussed on systems
I love learning, understanding, asking, knowing, touching, and making stuff.
I’m curious.

01 / Observe

User Research —

Understand user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation.

02 / Think

Prototype —

Sketch and build a wireframe of the product or service suitable to test.

03 / Define

Visual Design —

Design an high resolution “aesthetic version“ of the product to integrate with the functionality.


I’m working as a designer in Officina 31: an awesome studio where freelancer love working together and sharing beautiful experiences. I’m really grateful to work as UI Designer in pair with Susanna and Chiara (both better designer than me).

Currently my main activity is the brand new Design System for Aruba.it and other companies. I’m really lucky to have the opportunity to work with a brilliant team in this challenging project.

Officina 31 website


Some works where I had the opportunity to put my enthusiasm and skills. In each one of these projects I learned something that pushed me to evolve my approach to work.

2016 / Research, UX Design, UI Design

Cloud Admin Panel —

I’m involved in the complete redesign of the admin panel: from interviews with stakeholders and competitors benchmark analysis, to wireframes and visual design. I worked with developer team with new flow: sketch -> invision -> zeplin -> front end.

2013-2015 / Research, UX Design, UI Design

Aruba websites —

I redesign main websites lineup of hosting (yes every page), and I wrote styleguides document for the designers that need to stylize other Aruba websites.
view the case study

2013 / Logo Design, UX Design, UI Design

Domee (currently Swite) —

I design the website and the backend interface of a new product named DoMee that allow to connect your social network to a new hosting domain, and show in a minute your data on your personal website. After this prototype the company win a round of financing and next they were acquired from Aruba.
view on Behance

2015 / Research, Sketch Prototyping

Toalk —

Toalk is an app for soccer supporter. It’s a repository of updated news, and the place where a supporter could find all news about market, teams, player data, and live score matches.

2018-2020 / Research, System Design, UI Design

Aruba Morningstar —

Morningstar is the brand new Aruba Design System. It involves the complete Aruba.it environment: web sites, customer areas, technical panels. Started as a style guides evolution, it brought 450 pages of analysis and benchmarks, a platform with new UI components, best practices, and design culture.

2018 / UX Design, UI Design, Interaction

Loquace —

Loquace is a web based platform to manage direct line telephone. We decided to use Material Design for the ductility that we could have on web and android phone and tablet.

2018 / UI Design, Logo Design, Microcopy

Oneminutesite —

I was involved with Susanna in the redesign project of the website. The redesign was not only on the layout, but also on typography and official color decision. So the client decided to revamp the logo.

2013 / UI Design

Superiore —

I realize the visual prototype for a website born from the fusion of three company in the north of Italy. The commitment require that it was show mainly on tablet for products presentation.

2014 / Visual & UI Design

eHarmony —

I worked in a team as Visual Designer. Previously my awesome colleagues had already made the hardest part of user stories, wireframe, and others. My work was simply find the right aesthetic way to show the identity on the ecommerce.

2014 / Research, UX Design, UI Design

IsLike —

IsLike was a spontaneous project born in collaboration with Erik and Marina where you could compare the price of an object and the amount of an other object. In this app (only for iOS) you could plan a daily routine for saving money and buy what you want.

2013 / UX Design, UI Design, Interaction

Medical records for tablet —

My first UX for one project: I interviewed medical staff, I prototyped a tangible products, refine and evolve the first hi-resolution version of the products.
view the video project

2015 / Facilitator in Design Workshop

Unicredit —

I had the pleasure to facilitate workshops for a team of designers that needs to create and revamp a new backend interface for staff.

2015 / Design Workshop, Prototype, Ux Design

Picstory —

Picstory is an app that merge people between old photos. I facilitate a Value Proposition Workshop, and define user stories, user flows, a sketch prototype, and an hi-resolution mockup.


During my life I was lucky enough to meet extraordinary people that spent time with me, teaching me so much about work, life, and principles. Thanks to them I enjoy my path and my work, they gave me the enthusiasm and the optimism of looking forward always new experiences.


Typography skills

Work hard in a Typography —

One of my first works was in a Typography, it was my first approach in a Mac world, and I learned so much about character composition, grids, and how important it is to get your hands dirty.


Web designer skills

Sintra Digital Agency —

I worked here about 8 years: it’s life, it’s school, it’s family. I started in 3 people, and I left when we were 25. I’m really gratefully of this experience, and I continue to work as freelancer for them.



IED Rome —

During my work as web designer in Sintra Consulting I decided to attend in a new two years Master in Web Communication. I learn for the first time rules about Usability, Accessibility, Design principals, and obviously User Experience.


User Experience skills

Sketchin here we go —

I was really curious to try a new experience and go deep in User Experience, and dreams come true! I found more than expectations: professionality, new skills, and great friends in Lugano. Thanks so much guys! :*



The pleasure of conferences —

Thanks to colleagues in Sketchin I discovered the pleasure “to touch“ the future through conferences. Lift (CH), Usability Week (UK), WebSummit (PT), Interaction (NL and FR), Offf (ES), UX Cambridge (UK), DDD (IT), Kerning (IT), and many more!


Walking own steps (together)

Officina 31 —

Come back from Switzerland I decide to start something new… but not for my business… together with awesome people, and it worked, new people arrives, and we started Officina 31: a place for freelancer that want work together and share own experiences. Now we are more than 10 people full day, and we have also a wide selection of external collaboration.


Events organisation

TEDxArezzo, Design Jam —

With my colleagues we started this experience for the first (and next the second) edition of the TEDx in our city. During this year I decide to experiment an event for people that want know and go forth in user centered design, so we organize free Design Jam with amazing 20 designers. A really wonderful experience.


Share my skills

Workshop and teaching session —

I started years ago teaching the “magic“: Photoshop! But now I had the pleasure to teaching User Centered Design, Sketch, and Prototyping in open workshop or in some events like for example the last edition of “Todi Appy Days“



Design System —

In last two years I have the possibility to go deep in the creation of solid Design System, working not only in aesthetics way (colors, typography, icons…) but more in identity, tone of voice, company principles. I learned more thanks to Alla Kholmatova workshop, books, and so much research and benchmark.


It’s time to system

System from scratch —

Thanks to people that belive in the potential of a Design System I had the pleasure to work on my first Design System from scratch: Aruba Morningstar.


Spreading beautiful stories

CreativeMornings Arezzo —

During the whole year we worked to obtain the licence of organize CreativeMornings Arezzo, a US format where beautiful people share stories that worth to spread.
The will is to contribute to triggering a positive and optimistic spirit in our local community.
CreativeMornings Arezzo Website


Improve skills

IDEOU Advanced Design Thinking Certification —

During this year I saved time from commuting and used it to complete the cycle of IDEOU courses started in 2015 for obtain the Advanced certification on Design Thinking.

IDEOU Certification credential

I learned to use insights to turn customer needs into human-centered solutions, how to prototype, experiment, and iterate, how to craft a narrative to motivate and inspire, and how design the moments that matter with human-centered service design.


Ready for new experiences

The future is here —

I believe so much in the power of wonder and the curiosity. I’m open to new cross, meet new people, ready for the next awesome experience!

“A man who lives on memories, becomes old. The one who lives on new projects remains young.“
— Bruno Munari


Some of company that I proudly served to reach their goals.

2012 / Today

Aruba —

I have a stable collaboration of UX and Visual design. I currently work in a brand new Aruba Design System.


Nexi (CartaSi) —

I worked in the visual part of the ecommerce for client backend.

2014 / 2015

GE Oil & Gas —

I worked in a tablet interface for data visualization of a commercial app. I also worked in other web interface for products presentation.



User flows, ux mockup, and visual web interface for a platform of cloud computing for analysis.

2013 / 2017 / Today

Unicredit —

User journey, wireframes, UI and System design for many interfaces.

2013 / 2018

Compass —

Wireframes, and visual design for two tablet interfaces, and one journey and interface for a totem system in sale points.


Aboca —

User research, usability tests, and some interfaces for various back office platforms.


Monnalisa —

I worked for Monnalisa many times in different moments, espacially for their ecommerce.


I had proudly take part of the team of some of the best digital agency.

Lugano / Milano

Sketchin —

A strategic design firm that shapes the experiences people will live in the future.
website of amazing people

Santarcangelo di Romagna

Tangible —

They design memorable experiences that have a positive impact on people’s lives.
website of wonderful team


Sintra —

A team of specialized in software development, visual design, user experience and web marketing.
my first 10 years as designer


I love stories.
Sometimes I try to put my thoughts in words, especially when I just learned something.

I had the opportunity to drop some line (in italian) on Medium during my job in Officina 31 with my awesome colleagues.

UX Tales Medium

Officina 31 Medium

Mar 17 / 2020

9 cose che ho imparato dalla mia prima raccolta ed elaborazione dati.

Nessuna velleità di interpretazione dei dati collezionati o di previsioni. Solo dati sul COVID-19 in Italia. Sono un semplice designer, che in questo periodo abbastanza particolare, ha cercato ogni scusa per combattere l’ansia e la noia. Una di queste è stata avventurarmi per la mia prima volta con la raccolta ed elaborazione dati. Nessuna velleità di interpretazione dei dati raccolti o di previsioni. I dati del momento, nemmeno a dirlo, sono quelli che arrivano ogni sera alle 18:00 tramite la Protezione Civile sull’epidemia di COVID-19 in Italia.
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May 29 / 2019

UX Tales – La meraviglia di progettare un Design System con metodo (Parte 2)

Come già detto precedentemente lo spirito di questo articolo non è un invito ad “usare questo metodo”, ma a “fare le cose con metodo”. Avere una roadmap, risultati cadenzati, essere disciplinati, obiettivi concreti, ci ha aiutato enormemente, sopratutto nella fase iniziale di comprensione del lavoro che ci aspettava. Quanto segue non è quindi una ricetta da seguire in maniera pedissequa, ma se può servire a generare idee, confronto, e stimoli verso chi come me era alle prime armi, allora l’articolo ha raggiunto il suo scopo.
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May 22 / 2019

UX Tales – La meraviglia di progettare un Design System con metodo (Parte 1)

Era ottobre 2017, ho avuto la fortuna di avere un manager illuminato che di sua iniziativa mi ha inviato una mail, chiedendomi di rivedere le linee guida stilistiche dei prodotti digitali che avevamo redatto insieme 3 anni prima. Un sogno. ✨Così, come sempre “da cosa nasce cosa”, e la richiesta di revisione styleguide si è trasformata nel mio primo incarico di progettazione di un Design System.
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October 24 / 2018

Design Systems Workshop con Alla Kholmatova

Qualche giorno fa ho avuto la fortuna di partecipare a Bologna al workshop di Alla Kholmatova basato sul libro “Design Systems”. Visto l’argomento “caldissimo” per ogni progettista che si occupa di www, mi ero procurato il libro alla fine dello scorso anno, ma ammetto di averlo solo sfogliato superficialmente prima di questo workshop, che dico subito, ha per me superato le aspettative e invogliato a leggermi d’un fiato il libro.
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December 28 / 2015

Insights for Innovation: il corso di IDEO U su come percepire e comprendere l’innovazione.

A marzo scorso in Officina 31 mi sono iscritto al corso Insights for Innovation sulla piattaforma di e-learning IDEO U. Il corso è volto a sensibilizzare designers ad un corretto iter di ricerca per raggiungere la soluzione, che passa attraverso osservazione, feedback degli utenti, empatia, e corretta maniera di presentare i risultati emersi. Affronta tutta una serie di metodologie e trucchi al fine di riuscire a comprendere meglio il mondo che ci circonda, vederlo con occhi diversi, e stimolarci a risolvere problemi in maniera innovativa.
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November 30 / 2015

This is Service Design Thinking: coinvolgere sempre le persone nella progettazione di un servizio.

Chiunque occupandosi di progettazione web si sarà imbattuto nella coppia di parole “Service Design”. Questo perché ovviamente la disciplina del “Web Design” altro non è che la progettazione di servizi per il web. Ecco perché approfondire questa disciplina potrà portare sicuramente vantaggi a tutti i designer che si occupano della progettazione di interfacce.
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September 21 / 2015

Value Proposition Design

In questi giorni abbiamo finito di leggere Value Proposition Design. A chi si rivolge questo libro? Questo libro è consigliato a designers che devono andare a progettare prodotti e servizi, responsabili di prodotto, e sicuramente anche a project managers che vogliono capire come poter migliorare l’iter di sviluppo.
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August 18 / 2015

Il futuro passa sempre attraverso l’immaginazione.

“Nel 1839, a 11 anni, fuggì di casa imbarcandosi su una nave diretta nelle Indie; il padre magistrato lo ritrovò immediatamente a Paimbœuf. La fuga nelle Indie era motivata dal desiderio di regalare a sua cugina Carolina, di cui era follemente innamorato, una collana di coralli. Fu in quell’occasione che giurò a suo padre che non avrebbe più viaggiato …tranne che in sogno.”
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October / 2013

UX Masterclass Rome 2013

Venerdì scorso ho avuto l’opportunità di partecipare alla UX Masterclass 2013 che questo anno si teneva proprio a Roma. Parto subito dicendo che è stata un’esperienza eccezionale, piena di spunti e sicuramente sopra le mie aspettative. Gli speakers erano tutti di caratura internazionale provenendo da tutto il mondo: Giappone, USA, UK, Danimarca, India, Polonia, ecc.
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March / 2013

Le 7 Caratteristiche di un buon Interaction Design

Considerazioni dal libro di Dan Saffer “Design dell’Interazione”. Inevitabilmente questo testo mi ha fatto pensare a quanto la progettazione sia necessaria nei prodotti e nei servizi che utilizziamo quotidianamente.
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